Valerie Henkin Piano Academy
09/23/2023. Richard Liu (16) won a Best Performance Award of 2023 Miclot International Music Competition.
12/05/2023. Congratulations to my students Ruimi Deng, Cai Ng, Alyssa Mantilla ,Akash Meka, Kristina Daliwan ,Lorenzo Daliwan, Eliana Angelos, Julian Plouffe who won first place in Elite International Music competition, Derek Liu,and Azreel Taguiam ,who won second places after one year of starting piano education . Thank you to their parents for support!
35 Years Piano Teaching Anniversary Recital will take place on Saturday, January 13, 2024 @ 2pm in Shalin Liu Performance Center, Rockport, MA. 25 talented students will perform in 2 parts with intermission.
04/21/24. Richard Liu won A.Ramon Rivera Contemporary Music Reward in Alice Hamlet High Schol Competition in NEPTA.
01/29/2024. Cai Ng received Nancy Oliva Award for the best performance in NEPTA Intermediate I recital.